School Evaluation Tools
As all educators know, regular evaluation and reflection of any activity is vital and helps to determine what is working well, what could be improved and identifies any gaps.
It’s the same for developing metacognitive learners in your school – do you know the starting point for you and your students, where you need to go and how to get there?
At Thinking Matters we have ways to support you to establish a baseline and to monitor and evaluate your school’s and students progress towards being metacognitive learners.
Self-Evaluation Tool:
Based on the EEF and The University of Exeter’s ‘Thinking School’ criteria – our self-evaluation tool allows you to understand where your school is currently ‘at’ in terms of developing metacognition at a whole school level. Within minutes you will have a baseline enabling you to identify the next steps on your journey to developing metacognitive, self-regulating learners.
Thinking School Accreditation Evaluation Software:
Designed for schools who are considering applying for Thinking School accreditation via the University of Exeter, our accreditation software enables you to gather and store evidence against the University’s criteria, so you can find out exactly where your school is positioned in relation to achieving the official Thinking School status.
Start using the specifically designed software at the beginning of your thinking journey (even before you consider contacting Exeter) to keep track of evidence gathered, progress made and any areas that need a little more focus.

By the end of your journey all your evidence is recorded and there is no need to spend hours gathering it together when you apply to the University of Exeter for accreditation. It can be viewed by the School’s accreditation lead and simply shared with University of Exeter Accreditation team.
In essence, Exeter University’s Thinking School accreditation respresents an independent lens through which to view the degree of success in developing as a Thinking School. The guidance and software offered by Thinking Matters provides an opportunity to measure your progress. Click here for more information about the University of Exeter’s accreditation.