TSN Membership
There are two ways to become a member of the Thinking Schools Network (TSN):
- To be invited to become a silver member, which offers a limited range of taster features.
- To pay a small charge to become a premium member which offers the full range of features and benefits listed below and which can also be seen in the video link.
Pricing of the TSN premium membership is dependent on a number of factors, including the number of pupils in your school and the features you anticipate using. Typically it comes in at around £1/pupil with a minimum of £250/school and maximum of £1,500 (+vat) per annum.
Membership Benefits:
The value of the benefits far outweigh the membership fee..
Secondary School in Hertfordshire
Networking Events
- One FREE ticket to each of our Festival of Metacognition conferences on metacognition and self-regulation
- Invitation to TSN Metacognition Meets (Regional Event) – an in-person opportunity to meet and network with your local Thinking Schools. Half-day
- One Free Ticket to termly TSN Drive Team Meetings – an opportunity to attend topical, online discussions with fellow TSN Members
Tools & Resources
- Planning, monitoring and evaluating templates
- Unlimited staff access to TSN Resource Library
- Full access to a range of classroom resources that are selected for their accessibility and usefulness
- Unlimited staff access to TSN Communications – filtered research, TSN best practice and ideas, webinars & updates
- Unlimited student access to ‘Adventures in Metacognition‘ lesson plans and materials
- Annual Licence to use Thinking Frames including unlimited staff & student access to Digital Thinking Frames app
- Complimentary use of Meta Mirrors for one year group, for one year.
- 10 complimentary Youth Motivational Maps and a free accompanying workshop on their use.
- Complimentary access to our University of Exeter Accreditation software
- Use of TSN Logo – for school website and marketing materials
Professional Development
- 2 hours complimentary advisory consultation from TM consultancy
- Complimentary Thinking School Induction Programme – for all new staff joining your school
- 20% discount on Thinking Matters’ professional development training
- 15% discount on Thinking Matters’ ‘Cognitive Coach Course’
- 15% discount on Thinking Matters ‘Metacognitive Tools for SEND Course’
- 15% discount on Thinking Matters’ Partner’s Training
Community Engagement
- Connectivity to other schools within the Thinking Schools Network.
- Online Parent Workshops: practical tips for parents to support their children’s thinking & self regulation
- Introduction to Metacognition Workshops for governors and trustees
- TSN Jobs: Share your vacancies across the Thinking Schools Network
If you want to find out more about the features in the membership of the Thinking Schools Network, please contact us.