Neuroplasticity and Growth Mindset. What’s the connection?

Having spent much of the last decade using words such as: yet, growth, potential, flexible in my teaching and conversations with students it only recently dawned on me that this only focused on mindset. The structure of our brain and how it functions was not where I started the conversation in the classroom. Now’s the time to reflect!

Neuroplasticity and Growth Mindset. What’s the connection? Read More

What is a Thinking School? The journey towards accreditation

You have read the EEF report, you have tried and begun to embed different metacognitive strategies, you meet students in the corridor that begin to talk about their learning… What is your next step? That’s easy to answer: become a Thinking School! A Thinking School takes an explicit, evidence informed, whole school approach to developing pupils’ cognitive capability and intelligent learning behaviours.

What is a Thinking School? The journey towards accreditation Read More

Can you motivate all your students to self-direct their revision?

As the summer term looms with exam and assessment season this is the moment for us to take a step back and remind ourselves of the metacognitive cycle. Please indulge me on this one! Slogging towards someone else’s goal is never going to be motivating. For some students achieving their best or being given a target grade is not an enticing carrot; it feels like an imposed, overwhelming or unacheivable target.

Can you motivate all your students to self-direct their revision? Read More

March Research Round-up on Metacognitive Strategies, Well-Being and Self-Regulated Learning

As the spring term comes to a close, Thinking Matters brings you our latest Research Round-up. This month the highlighted books and articles focus on metacognitive strategies, retrieval practice, well-being and self-regulated learning.

March Research Round-up on Metacognitive Strategies, Well-Being and Self-Regulated Learning Read More

The EEF and Implementation: Metacognition and Self-regulated Learning

In this article, we explain how the Thinking Matters approach follows the best research-informed strategies for the implementation of metacognition and self-regulated learning and how this relates to the EEF’s ‘Putting Evidence to Work – A School’s Guide to Implementation’.

The EEF and Implementation: Metacognition and Self-regulated Learning Read More

What place has AI in our metacognitive classroom?

The past few weeks have been ablaze with news about AI and specifically ChatGPT; mainly its potential to become a homework shortcut or useful tool for teachers. One school, Alleyn’s in Dulwich, has moved to a flip learning model as access to ChatGPT presents easy opportunities for students to use it to generate their homework. Teachers will now set students tasks to research and prepare for their next lesson instead of sitting tests or writing essays. However, is this just another example of the forward march of algorithms and other AI technologies without anyone asking about the ethical or moral implications?

What place has AI in our metacognitive classroom? Read More

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